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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Why aren’t my pepper plants throwing flowers?

Zone 81507 | Godschildingj added on June 25, 2018 | Answered

I have 5 pepper plants in my greenhouse garden. Three of them are doing really well, although two of them are much smaller than the others. One of my big ones and one of the small ones, aren’t flowering, and the big one that isn’t looks sick (big floppy leaves and nothing else)…between two that are thriving. The smaller one is next to another small one, one is blooming and the other has lots of leaves, but no flowers. Our weather is hot, but I have a fan going and shade cloth overhead. Do you know why I might be having trouble with those two plants and not the other three? I started them from seed, and they all looked great at the beginning. Any idea how I can get the two to start producing?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 26, 2018

If your temps are over 90 degrees F., this is likely the cause.

This article will help you.


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