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Chinese Evergreen Plant

Q.Why are the tips of my Chinese evergreen plant turning brown?

Zone 6a | Chatcher added on May 4, 2012 | Answered

Recently the tips and sides of the leaves are turning brown. A lot! It has done this on occasion in the past but not to this scale. I bought this plant at a big box store years ago and it has always thrived. I’ve loved it b/c it’s so low maintenance. I’m not sure if it’s a Chinese evergreen – someone told me that’s what it’s called. It has large variegated leaves of green and lighter green/ cream. I see this plant in airports a lot. It’s on my sun porch now and I recently moved it from a corner to a place where it gets more light.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2012

It sounds like it may have a fungus. I would treat it with a fungicide and that should clear up the problem.

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