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Pitcher Plants

Q.why are the pitchers on my nepenthes plant turning brown and shriveling?

Zone 5 to 6 | Anonymous added on October 3, 2019 | Answered

All the pitchers are brown and dried up around the lip and the lid. Even new tiny pitchers at the end of the stems are drying up. Is this an environmental problem? The plant hangs in my bathroom with lots of bright, indirect light. I water it by soaking the bark once a week for 5 minutes, then draining. I use well water, not tap water. I have not fertilized. I’ve had the plant for 1 year.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 5, 2019

It most likely is environmental. The well water, for example, probably has heavy minerals, which pitcher plants don't like. Try switching to filtered, distilled water or rainwater. When growing inside, there may not be enough insect activity, so you can lightly fertilize with 1/2 strength fertilizer. See instructions below. Humidity and temperature are also important.





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