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Philodendron Plants

Q.Why Are the Leaves on My Indoor Philodendron Turning Black?

Zone pacific northwest | peanuts added on August 11, 2013 | Answered

Why are the leaves on my indoor philodendron turning black?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2013

Black leaves are usually caused by a fungus, either infecting the roots (most likely) or the leaves. How old is the plant? If you just got it, it should be returned to the store for a refund. How long have the leaves been black, and which ones (old or new, top or bottom) could help determine what the infecting agent is. Just repotted? Could have been a pathogen in the soil. And are the leaves actually black, or dark brown.
Whatever the case, unless it's a plant infected from the store, or infected soil,
the problem probably lies in the soil being too wet. Philodendron need to have the soil close to dry all the way to the bottom of the pot between waterings. Check out this video about testing soil moisture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBBh0RPPqu0

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Answered on August 13, 2013

How old is the plant?
How long have the leaves been turning black?
Are all the leaves black?
Have you just repotted the plant, or changed it's environment in any way?
How much light does the plant receive?

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