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Cyclamen Plants

Q.Why Are the Leaves on My Cyclamen Turning Red Underneath?

belk777 added on February 17, 2011 | Answered

Why are the leaves on my cyclamen turning red underneath? Why does it sprout new flowers but then die and never make it to bloom?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 18, 2011

I believe it may be having nutrient issues. While I am not 100% sure on cyclamen, I know on other plants a phosphorous deficiency will cause a reddish-purple cast to the leaves and will cause flowering to fail. Add some bone meal to the soil to increase phosphorous and this should help.

It may also be an issue with temperature (which can interfere with phosphorous uptake) so if you can move it somewhere a bit warmer, that may help as well.

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