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Fruitless Mulberry Trees

Q.Yellow leaves on fruitless mulberry trees

Zone Fort Worth Texas | kissit2x added on August 26, 2015 | Answered

Why are the leaves yellow on all the fruitless mulberry trees in North Texas? After much concern for my tree shedding the horrible looking yellow leaves, it has all year, including the summer. I ventured out across North Texas to find that most of the fruitless mulberry trees I encountered looked the same or worse than mine. Now we have had a very large amount rainfall this year but I have never seen it affect the trees like this before.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 27, 2015

Yellowing leaves generally do indicate a watering issue. To much or to little.

With the reports of heavy rain, this is likely the issue.
There are a few other issues for the Fruitless Mulberry with symptoms of yellowing leaves.
I would suggest contacting your local county extension office and expressing your findings on the multiple trees with symptoms.
They may be aware of any widespread problems.
The links below can also help you find the nearest office and have more information.


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