Q.Why Are The Flowers On My Mulberry Tree Not Setting Proper Fruit?
This tree is about 2 years old…quite large now (as high as a low set house) it’s trunk is now about 10 inches in diameter and starts branching out from it around 2 foot from the ground. It’s produces lots of flower, but they never form up properly or turn into edible fruit. I have another mulberry tree that would be a different variety of the same black mulberry as the tree I’m asking about (because they came from different people)…it’s a MUCH smaller tree (only about 10ft tall with very thin bramches and trunk only around as thick as my arm) and it has been producing edible fruit ever since it was first planted. Both Mulberry trees grew from seed that germinated by themselves I’m just confused as to why such a vigorously growing Mulberry would not be able to set fruit. I’ll post a picture of what the flowers look like and what happens to them as they …..ripen??? A one cent coin has been included as an example of size. I hope you all remember how small a one cent coin is lol.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
We didn't get any photos but I suspect the one that isn't doing well was seeded from a cultivar or hybrid tree and not a native. If so the offspring would not be identical to the parent tree. Also, some cultivars do not produce fruit but are ornamentals only. If it were a grafted tree, it also wouldn't come true from seed.
Here is more information about their proper care: