Q.Why are our Pittospurums dying again? second loss in 2.5 years
We have grown 3 Pittosporums about 1.8m planted about 1 year ago. They were doing well and suddenly the leaves at the end go brown, and it slowly affects the rest of the tree and all three are dying. Second time for this happening in 2.5 years. Both times it has been in summer. We get ok rain although it has been over 30 degrees, as has everywhere.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You don't say what species of Pittosporum you have, but in coastal California, Victorian Box have been dying from a syndrome called "Victorian box decline." The following linked article will give you an idea of the multiple factors that may be contributing. These cultural factors are important for plant health no matter what the species, so I would recommend that you address good soil fertility and water management first, in order to relieve the stress factors that may be making the trees susceptible to decline.