Q.Why Are My Zucchini Babies Rotting Off?
I’m growing my zucchini’s in two tires stacked with very good soil from decomposed cow poop. The plants look great and are growing and having tons on flowers and zucchinis coming on. I have harvested three gorgeous zucchinis, but now the little guys are rotting before they get two to three inches long. I have the watering on a timer for 15 min every 6 hrs. The soil stays moist. The irrigation comes from a soaker, not spray. My other squash in a second container (hubbard, acorn, and butternut), have tons of melons and no rot yet. I have not fertilized at all. What should I do? Thanks.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like you are having pollination issues, possible due to extreme heat, lots of rain or a lack of pollinators. When the flowers are not properly pollinated, the plant will reject the fruit while they are just a few inches long. You may need to hand pollinate. This article will help:
If you notice rotting on larger fruits, this could be attributed to blossom end rot. These articles will help: