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Q.Why Are My Violas Dying

Zone CA28 6TZ | Richards added on May 16, 2024 | Answered

The leaves turn yellow and the roots detach themselves from the soil

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 17, 2024

Unfortunately, this could be for many reasons. To get a better idea of what it could be I will need description of the environment around the plants, and photos to see any damage. I can suggest some of the most common reasons, though. Unfortunately, it will require testing multiple things.

pH imbalances, either too high or too low, cause plants to die off. Too little or too much nutrients in soil can do it, as well. Too little or too much water, though it is usually too much that is more common, is another. Too little lighting is a cause. And diseased soil is common, as well.

You can test for these things, however. These articles will help:








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