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Tomato Plants

Q.Why are my tomatoes orange ?

Zone zone 6 | Anonymous added on August 18, 2020 | Answered

Have been getting lots of tomatoes this year. Lately I have some huge tomatoes on the vines but they are all orange instead of red. I have left them on vines thinking to ripen but they rot instead. I have been consistent with watering all summer. Are the plants just getting old and the bug fruits are too much stress for them? It is probably too late to do much this season, but there is always next year. I am zone 6. Thanks for any help you might offer

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2020

There could be several reasons for this, as outlined in this article. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/what-make-tomatoes-turn-red.htm
However, you can harvest the unripe fruit and put them in a paper bag in your kitchen and they ripen, rather than letting them deteriorate on the vine.

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