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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.Why are my Roma tomatoes failing to thrive?

Zone georgia | beccapeach added on May 16, 2012 | Answered

I am growing three different varieties of tomatoes, but only the Roma will not thrive. The Better Boys and cherry tomatoes are doing very well so far. Their foliage is lush and green and they have blooms. The Romas are puny, thin, and the leaves are sparse and pale in color. All the plants are in the ground, well spaced. . . and all are under the same growing conditions.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2012

If the leaves are pale colored, rather than yellowing, then it is likely that they were not hardened off correctly and are suffering from sunscald. This would cause pale leaves and stunted growth while the plant recovers from the scald.

It may also be a wilt or a virus, but if it is, the seedlings are a loss. Watch for new growth. If there is new healthy growth, it was sunscald and the will recover. If there is not new healthy growth, remove the plants and replace them.

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