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Q.Why Are My Plants Wilting And Dying After Mulching”?

Zone 08816 | Anonymous added on July 8, 2023 | Answered

I mulched around a gerber daisy. i mulched around a sunflower after taking from pot to regular soil. They are wilting and dying. I am watering, watering, watering but no luck with recovery…. WHAT NOW ?? Any way i can get some help and a response?? I am in New Jersey and usually when i take plants from nursery potting to the final planting site , no problems they usually thrive…… This is a first…. What is up?? Help please ??

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 10, 2023

Mulching shouldn't hurt the plants. However, make sure the mulch isn't right up against the stems because that can cause stem rot. It should be an inch or two from the stem. And be careful not to overwater.

Another possibility is a wilting disease like verticillium wilt.


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