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Mango Trees

Q.Why Are My Leaves On My Mango Turning Black Before They Have Even Started Growing

Zone 32327 | Anonymous added on January 19, 2021 | Answered

Winter in Tallahassee Florida I have it inside it didn’t start like this then one day it looked like this…please help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 19, 2021

There are several diseases that can affect mangos. With this little shoot, it's hard to tell whether it will develop into a diseased leaf. Here's an article that will explain the possibilities: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/mango/mango-tree-diseases.htm

When the leaf develops, if it still is black on the edges, the plant may be suffering from anthracnose. It should be growing in full sun and warm conditions. It may be overwatered. If it does appear to have this fungus as it grows, here's an article that should help:

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