Q.Why are my conifers turning brown (UK)
We have over 300 conifers in our garden, several different species. We are now in late/mid summer and several of them are showing signs of distress. Whole branches are turning brown and brittle and losing their growth and needles. We have experienced a wet summer. Can excess wetness affect the health of the trees? I surface feed them all fish blood and bone in early spring and again in mid summer. Is it possible to overfeed them, and am I using the right fertilizer or is there a better one available?
Thank you so much. I do hope you can help.
Regards, Wendy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, wet summers can affect them by causing fungus or root rot. It may be a fungus on the needles or it can be a root rot of the roots.
Try treating the needles with a fungicide and check the roots for softness and rotting.