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Calla Lily Plants

Q.why are my calla lily leaves yellow

Zone florida | greenthumb38 added on August 21, 2011 | Answered

I have heard from friends that plant leaves turn yellow as a result of too much water. The rule was yellow leaves, too much water. . . brown leaves, not enough water. I have experienced this in other plants. I transplanted mine in a container and watered it once. It was droopy Saturday. Now sunday morning it is upright but my two bottom leaves are yellow. One site said to water it once a week. Other sites say water often. My soil is from a bag of black manure. It holds moisture very well. My container is small, maybe 2 gallons. How often should I water it? I was going to do every 4 days.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 23, 2011

Really you should be watering by touch rather than by time. Calas like moist soil, so when the top of the soil starts to feel that it is drying out, you should water it.

What it sounds like though is that your plant has transplant shock. This article will help:

As to yellow leaves meaning overwatered, this is not true. It can indicate both that the plant is overwatered or underwatered as well as that the plant may not be getting enough light.

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