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Bush Beans

Q.Why are my bush beans hollow?

Zone Wisconsin | Anonymous added on May 23, 2016 | Answered

My beans come up good and look healthy for the most part, but 80% of the beans have mostly just seeds inside and no meat. It is just a small container garden. I put new compost every year. Also, it seems the plant dies quicker and does not re-flower. The problem seems to get worse year after year. I thought it was lack of water but last year we had sufficient rain and I still had the problem.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 24, 2016

My only explanation is that your bush beans have some sort of virus and it could return year and after is your containers aren't sterilized. Here are a few articles for you to review so you can try to pinpoint what is afflicting your beans. If it in fact a virus, you will want to consider planting disease resistant cultivars.


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