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Q.Agave in sun

Zone East Texas | Anonymous added on September 1, 2016 | Answered

Why are my Agave plant leaves being blistered by the sun if they require full sun? Agave plant was a gift in a pot. I now have it outdoors in full sun but want to plant it in the ground. All info I read says they require full sun but I don’t want to see the leaves always blistered by the sun, so what do I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 2, 2016

Your new plant may need a bit of protection from the hot sun as it adjusts. It may have been in a greenhouse and can need some adjustment to the outdoor conditions.
Try moving it to a more filtered bright light to make the transition.
Also if it is in a pot it will need watering more often.

Here is a link that will help refresh you on the care requirements.


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