Q.Why Are Lower Branches On Tabebuia Tree Drooping And Some Leaves With Brown On Outside
I live in Orlando Fl. It rains here 5 out of 7 days/week. 35 gallon Tree was planted professionally about 2 years ago. I put Start and Grow around it a couple weeks ago to fertilize. This past week I noticed the bottom branches are drooping/limp. There are brown spots on edges of some leaves. It was a healthy tree until last week and bloomed twice.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like too much fertilizer was used. It is very important to follow the instructions for feeding, as trees and shrubs will have a different requirements than herbaceous plants will.
I would only feed once or twice per year, and use at half strength until you know how the tree will react. Then, work you way up until the tree cannot handle the dose.
Here is an article for more information on the tree:
Will my tree live? Is there anything I can do to correct in?