Q.elephant ears leaves yellowing then browning
Why are elephant ears leaves yellowing then browning and dying? I bought the elephant ear plant for total sun area. Transplanted it in a larger pot and placed in the sun. Now the leaves (one at a time, seemingly) started yellowing, browning and finally dying.

The first thing I would recommend is double-checking that the specific needs of the elephant ear plant are being met by reviewing the following articles:
Tips For Growing Elephant Ear Plants:
How To Grow Elephant Ears Indoors
Then, you will want to review the following article which discusses why plant leaves turn yellow - it will ask you to consider whether you are under or over-watering your plant, to examine your plant for insects, evaluate the lighting the plant receives, etc.
Find Out Why Plant Leaves Turn Yellow:
Lastly, here is an article specific to the elephant ear plant regarding leaves with brown edges:
Elephant Ear With Brown Edges: Why Do Elephant Ear Plants Get Brown On Edge: