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Tree Problems

Q.White Mold On Tree

Anonymous added on May 19, 2011 | Answered

My tree is dying. I’ve lost half a side. There seems to be some type of mold on it that is also on the rocks around it. What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2011

The mold is likely lichen. It is not killing the tree, but rather a symptom of it dying. Lichen are especially attracted to trees that are sick and dying already.
What kind of tree is it and what sort of symptoms does it have? We may be able to diagnose it for you.

There are a few things it might be. The first is that it is dying of old age, especially if it's an ornamental. Ornamental trees have a rather short lifespan, 10-15 years normally. Another may be a fungus disease (it would not be visible like the lichen is). You can treat the tree with a fungicide, like neem oil, to help combat that. There may also be something attacking the roots, but on a large tree, it can be difficult to check the roots. Check around the trunk for any signs that there is damage there to indicate if there is a pest in the roots.

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