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Hyacinth Plant

Q.White specs on rose bushes

Zone BT 35 8NZ | Anonymous added on June 4, 2017 | Answered

I was wanting to no hw wld u get rid of the little white specs last year u wld ave thought they were covered in powder now this

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 5, 2017

If the white specs do not move and it appears that they do not, then they are not Mealy Bugs. You mentioned that last year they looked like they were covered in powder. Thus it appears that the Powdery Mildew spores are alive on the plants and getting ready for a big return show. The roses need to be sprayed with a fungicide that will get rid of Powdery Mildew specifically. I have used an earth friendly fungicide called Green Cure for years now and it works great. I spray my rosebushes down with it being sure to wet all the foliage well every 14 days or a bit longer in hot dry weather. The Green Cure stops powdery mildew in its tracks. Here is a link to their main website with places to purchase it on line. Link: http://www.greencure.net/. If you do run into problems with insects or mites in the future, remember to spray the rosebushes with an insecticide to get rid of problem insects and a miticide to get rid of mites. Spraying an insecticide on mites will actually make the problems worse as it kills off the natural enemies of the mites.

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