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Q.White Sollya

Zone Jersey Channel Islands. JE3 8GG | marge thomas added on April 26, 2017 | Answered

I have a raised border, at one end I have a white sollya which is thriving.I also had one the other end of the border that I had to replace last year because it died. This year it seems to be happening again. Can you tell me if I am doing something wrong. Many Thanks, Marge Thomas.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 1, 2017

I did find with some research that that are many reports of such die off; with varying reasons.

Too dry or lack of water, plants do not recover well.
To wet and damp conditions cause fungus issues.
Spider Mites attack and kill off these vines.

Regular pruning can help thin out the plant and improve circulation.
Mulch the roots to help keep them cool and retain moisture.
Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer but avoid fertilizing late in the season.

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