Q.White Growth(?) And Loss Of Outer Bark. Is This A Problem For My Hackbery Tree?
The tree is is Nashville,TN. Two pictures are attached. A white area on the outer bark is next to an area that is losing outer bark. My specific questions are: 1. What is the white area? Perhaps a fungus? 2. Is the white area harmful to the tree? 3. What is causing the loss of outer bark, and is this a danger for the tree? 4. Should anything be done about either the white area or the loss of outer bark?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This question calls for a consult with a certified arborist. You may have a destructive fungus that's also growing underneath the bark, causing it to peel. However, this may be simple powdery mildew and a different problem with the bark. It could also be a fatal disease like a hypoxylon canker which would require removal of the tree, or simply a response to extra heavy rains that calls for a simple removal of powdery mildew.
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