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Q.which vegetable

Anonymous added on August 14, 2015 | Answered

I am a 65-yr-old learner and I would like to grow vegetables in soil that has recentley had conifers removed from. The soil also has clay about 7″ down. The topsoil looks good to me, brown and crumbly. What vegetable would you recommend?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 15, 2015

I would first have a soil test performed. This will eliminate the guess work and help what ever plants or vegetables you plant in your new garden space. Your local county extension office can help you with this.

Also amending the clay soil is a good idea since proper drainage is important for your plants.

Raised beds are always a great option if your planting in an area that has some concerns such as acidic soil from prior plantings and soil conditions such as clay soil.

Here are some links for you.


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