Q.Which Should New Growth On A Small Meyer Lemon Tree Look Like?
I purchased a small Meyer lemon tree a couple months ago. I would say it probably gets about 6 hours of full sunlight. All of a sudden, I have a lot of new growth on the end of the original branches. Normally, I would think that’s good, but these leaves look different than the others. They’re a lighter shade of green, very shiny, and seem not quite as hardy as the other leaves. Is this normal for new leaf growth? It’s been getting up to 95 to 105° here and I water it usually every day to every other day.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks a bit like it's stretching, as if it isn't getting enough light, but 6 hours should be enough. If you haven't fertilized it, you can do so now with a citrus fertilizer and that will be it for this year. Pinch the tips back and it will encourage more side growth, making it fuller. If you already did fertilize, that could account for the sudden growth. I suspect the leaves will firm up as they age. Here is more on its care: