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Tomato Plants

Q.Which of your tomatoes varieties could be suitable for cultivation to Northern Nigeria where temperature is 35-40oC around April-June

Zone 721102 | Anonymous added on June 23, 2019 | Answered

I wish to know which of your tomatoes varieties could be suitable to climate conditions in Northern Nigeria where the temperature is between 30-40oC around April to June each year. he rainy season in the northern part of Nigeria lasts for only three to four months (June–September). The rest of the year is hot and dry with temperatures climbing as high as 40 °C (104.0 °F). Alpine climate or highland climate or mountain climate are found on highlands regions in Nigeria. And such variety could be cultivated under irrigation systems.
There is extremely very huge tomatoes market around this period ( April-June) and sometimes until rain season tomatoes are available. The prices of tomatoes around this period is prohibitive around this period. Therefore getting tomatoes variety that could be cultivated around the time of scarcity would create serious cash inflow for farmers and investors alike.T

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Answered on June 23, 2019
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