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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Which Grub Worm Control Is Best for Fall Treatment?

Zone ???? | Frank Burdette added on September 16, 2013 | Answered

For the last 3 – 4 years I have had a grub worm/Japanese beetle problem that I have always treated in the spring. However, I just read that it is best to treat the problem in the fall as opposed to spring and/or summer. Do you agree? I also see that Bayer Grub Control and Milky Spore are both recommended. Which do you think is best or is there something better?

Thank you.

Frank Burdette

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 17, 2013

A herd of skunks would be the most economical, but would also be the most "fragrant"! (Skunks love grubs...but leave holes in your lawn!)
Having used neither product, I wouldn't be helpful in suggesting a preference. Milky Spore is organic, and treats a large area. Which ever product you chose, read and follow package directions. Remember,killing the grubs in your lawn is no guarantee that beetles from elsewhere won't fly in.

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