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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Which ground cover will work best in my yard?

Zone 7B | Radea5 added on May 27, 2015 | Answered

We live in Zone 7b. We have a couple of water oaks which provide a lot of shade and there is little to no grass under the trees. The tree roots are showing. We have clay-like soil and it is VERY dry. There is quite a bit of empty patches. Which ground cover do you think will work? I looked at the Ajuga and Bishop Cap plants since they tend to take over the area. Having this ground cover will not only make our yard look better but will help cut down on the dust. Oh, I also have a Lab-mix dog. Any advice will be appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2015

Ajuga may be a good choice for you.
I would recommend you spend some time improving the soil conditions of your yard.
This would insure your plantings a better start and an overall better success rate with growth and appearance.
I also have a lab mix and I do know this could be your biggest issue! Labs can be tough on new plants so maybe your dog could be kept off the yard until it become established.
Good luck with your project.
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