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Birch Trees

Q.Whether To Cut Down A Silver Birch

Zone Cb113jy | Anonymous added on May 25, 2021 | Answered

we have a silver birch which is about 25 years old, which we inherited when we bought the house,about 10 years ago. It is now well over 30 feet tall with a spread on the bottom branches of about 20.feet. Although it is a lovely tree it is growing at a rather acute angle over the road. This has also resulted in the roots appearing in the lawn. My question is, can I pollard the tree or would it be best to remove it a plant a new one.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 30, 2021

This information may help you decide:


They aren't known for longevity when grown in the backyard so you may want to start over.

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