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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Where can I buy poles to grow pole lima beans

Zone Kernersville, NC | Anonymous added on April 9, 2016 | Answered

To use a straight pole, I know it must be between 6′ and 8′ tall, but how do you run the string so that the beans can run between the poles? I live in the Greensboro-Winston Salem, NC area.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 10, 2016

For a straightforward set-up as you described, you would use strong twine tied between two poles. The string is zigzagged from the top and bottom to make a lattice for the vines.

Here are some visuals on how to string up pole beans, there are many clever ways to do so:

A tomato trellis, modified with vertical rungs of bamboo poles:

A teepee trellis:

Here is a forum thread showing people's ingenuity in stringing up their pole beans:


I hope that helps.

For more information on staking pole beans, please visit the following link:

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