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Sweet Bay Laurel Trees

Q.Where to find Bay Laurel

Zone 34654 | maggiedonson added on July 20, 2017 | Answered

I lived in the UK for 15 years and we had bay bushes and trees all over the place. I picked the fresh leaves for soups and stews. When I moved to the US I couldn’t find the plant anywhere! I have tried local garden centres and nurseries with no luck! I was told that sometimes the small plants come in the supermarkets with other herbs, but I haven’t seen any. I have seen Bay trees on line but I don’t think they are the ones that have the edible leaves that you can use fresh or dry out. Can you help me, please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2017

Do a Google search for 'Bay Laurel plants for sale'.
You can also try Ebay, they are often a good source of plants.

You should be able to locate sellers that can ship to you.

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