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Gardenia Plants

Q.cutting gardenia flowers for bouquet

Zone Orlando, FL | Anonymous added on April 18, 2016 | Answered

Where on the branch on which you are collecting your gardenia flowers for bouquet, is the best location on branch to cut? Does it matter if it’s before or after a notch, etc?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2016

It's really doesn't matter where you cut your gardenias. Generally speaking you'll want to cut the stems to a length of around four inches. Keep some leaves on the stems when you cut them. Bring them into the house and cut the tips again, but this time at a slant (so that they can better take up water). Some people go further than this step by stripping the stem tips and then searing the stem tips in boiling water. I personally don't, but some say it prolongs their life. Put you gardenias in a small vase filled with water and maybe a quarter of a teaspoon of bleach to keep fungus down. Keep them out of direct sun and change the water at least every other day.

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