Q.When Will Night-blooming Cereus Bud Open?
My indoor night-blooming cereus bud has been developing for just over two weeks and is now a bit over 6 inches long. It has started curving towards the window. Does anyone have a good estimate on the amount of time left until it blossoms–if it doesn’t fall off! Assuming it does bloom, I want to be able to see it, and to have a (virtual) blossom party. Should I be able to turn the plant around so the bud is facing into the room, and if so when should I do that? It’s the first time I’ve had a bud that didn’t fall off, so I will appreciate any advice that I can get!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That will not be something that anyone can tell you. Flowering times will depend on the environment around the plant, and you will have to watch for signs of it loosening up before it opens. Once it starts to loosen, you will start watching it closely.
Here is an article that will help you to provide the perfect environment for the plant:

Thank you.. I have seen a few descriptions of when the bud is ready to pop, but not that one. It’s useful because it will be something I can recognize when it starts happening.