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Hyacinth Plant

Q.When will Money Plant seed start to germinate?

Zone Summit, NY 12175 We are up in altitude our Hardiness zone is a 3-4 not whatteh chart shows | tnthoff1 added on May 30, 2017 | Answered


Last year I found a bunch of Silver Dollar growing wild. In the Fall I took the Seed pods and brought them home. At that time I took the seeds (a lot of seeds) and roughed up the ground and put them in. It;s the end of May and I thought I’d see hints of them coming up. We are in a Zone 4 area so we have not had too many 60+ degree days. Wondering if these ‘grow anywhere ‘ plants have thumbed their nose to me or have they just not shown themselves yet?
Tony H

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2017

STATEMENT I put the seeds in the ground last Fall. I doubt germination in December

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Answered on May 31, 2017

Germination is generally 10 to 14 days from planting.

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