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Philodendron Plants

Q.When to report heart leaf philodendron, should I make it climb at this stage, some parts look brown?

Zone New York | Plantcare92 added on January 3, 2019 | Answered

I got a heart leaf philodendron 2weeks back and it has been doing well. I got it in a 5 inch ceramic planter with no drainage hole. Two days back I noticed that few leaves have turned a little yellow/ brown and also few of the offshoots are brown while a few are green. I’m not sure if that’s because of root rot/underwatering/sunburn. I’ve been watering it only when the top inch of soil seemed dry. Also I wanted to know when is the right time to report this plant , if there’s a particular season to do so, any precautions to be taken? Does it even have to be repotted at this phase? Also I’m trying to see if I can make this climb? Is it the right time to make it do so and if yes will a bamboo stick work or should I use a moss stick? And the precautions as well please. I’ve attached pictures for your reference. It’s my first time having a plant and I don’t want to kill it! Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 4, 2019

Replant ASAP into a pot with drainage.
The leaf discoloration may be due to the water issues.

A textured stake will provide better support for the climbing tendrils than smooth bamboo. But don't be too anxious to train it up as a climber yet. Re-pot and wait for some new growth to develop, then you know it's going to do well and be ready to grow and climb.


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