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Q.When To Plant Potted Evergreens Bought In December

Zone Silver Spring MD 20906 | Anonymous added on February 17, 2021 | Answered

I live in Maryland, DC suburban area, so Mid Atlantic and it’s been fairly mild this year. It’s now mid Feb. and I have two different evergreens in pots, they are about a foot tall and one is kind of bushy, maybe a shrub. The other is like a small tree. I realize that they were sold as holiday decor and might not be as hardy as other nursery plants. I don’t know whether to wait till later in the season to plant them in the ground or if anytime is okay. They’ve been kept outside since I bought them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 18, 2021

I would wait till all threat of frost has passed to plant them. Make sure they are in a protected area or move them to a garage if cold weather threatens. Planting them now would stress the roots as they try to become established. An unforeseen cold snap could cause injury.

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