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Aster Plants

Q.When To Cut Back Asters And Mums

Zone 80004 | klowe99672 added on May 8, 2022 | Answered

When do you cut back aster and mums in order to keep them shorter?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 9, 2022

Their heights are set by genetics. Trimming them keeps them maintained, bushier, more compact, and healthier, but they will grow back to whatever height they were bred to be without root pruning maintenance. This would not be feasible in this situation.

With Chrysanthemums, the process isn't as straightforward. There are important timings that need to be taken into consideration:


Cutting back Aster is much more straightforward. They will tolerate it at just about any time. They will grow back to the original height if left alone, but constant pruning by 1/3 will maintain a set height.


However, pruning for maintenance after blooming is always a good idea.

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