Q.When To Apply Inoculant On Pea Seeds If Germinating Before Planting?
Hi, I’m planning to germinate pea seeds (AK varietal) in moist towels before planting in soil to accelerate germination. Soil temp outside at the moment is about 46 degrees… I’ll probably still wait a few more weeks before I start but… Do I apply inoculant before germinating them (I read this process takes 7-10 days around 70 degrees) or just prior to going in soil?
And thank you for your website, I’m a relatively new gardener and utilize the site often for information and explanation.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can innoculate your sproutlets just before planting them in the ground. Best of luck with them. Here's an article that may be helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/peas/how-grow-snow-peas.htm