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Q.When The Snapdragon Is A Baby And It Is Just Starting To Grow Small Leaves, Do The Leaves Grow Back After It Has Been Taken Off?

Zone Backyard | Anonymous added on September 26, 2021 | Answered

I have a small snapdragon that I have had for about 3 weeks now and I had been checking it every day in the morning and watering it too. But one day I woke up to see the leaves of the cuties look like it had been cut clean off! The stem was still there but the leaf wasn’t and I was just wondering if it will die like that slowly or if it will grow back again.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2021

You don't need to water it everyday unless it is very hot. It sounds like something ate the leaves, maybe a bunny. Hopefully they will grow back.


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