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Peach Trees

Q.when the best time to re-transplant a peach tree

Trop1808 added on June 15, 2012 | Answered

When the best time to re-transplant a peach tree? My friend has a peach tree to give me, and I would like to know when the best time to move it. Should I wait or could I dig it up and plant it now?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 16, 2012

Spring transplanting is usually preferable in northern regions, while fall is acceptable for southernmost regions. However, either one will work. Since summer is right around the corner, you may want to wait until fall to transplant, unless you can ensure that the tree will receive plenty of water. Summer heat can quickly stress out plants, especially those that are newly planted.

When you movie the tree, get as much of the roots and surrounding soil as you can and then replant into a hole where the rootball, dirt and all will fit and where they will be at the same level. The less you disturb the roots, the less likely they will go into transplant shock. This information will help you with transplanting and initial care:

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