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Crinum Lily

Q.When Spraying Homemade Insecticidal On Queen Emma Do I Trim Leaves That Have Spots?

Zone Boerne tx | Anonymous added on July 25, 2021 | Answered

my queen Lilly has brown spots and small white insects, that I’ve been told are thrips. So I made a solution of vegetable oil and dawn liquid soap, so should I take off the leaves that I’ve shown in the picture

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 14, 2021

It's actually better to buy insecticidal soap than to make your own. Plus, do not use a soap with degreasing products such as Dawn. Be sure to add water to your solution before using. And do not spray during the heat of the day. You can remove the leaves if it won't totally defoliate the plant.



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