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Asiatic Lilies

Q.asiatic lilies

Zone 5 | Anonymous added on July 22, 2016 | Answered

When should I trim back the green part (which is actually yellowing now) of Asiatic lilies once the blooming of flowers is done? I planted Asiatic lilies this spring that I purchased from gardening center, they were already in bloom. They have stopped blooming but the leaves remain, and they are yellowing. Should I trim them down to the dirt now or wait for the first fall frost? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2016

Hi, The biggest problem most people make with their bulbs; regardless of variety of flower, is cutting the leaves off after the flowering stage is done. These leaves Provide the nutrients the bulbs need lying deep in the ground, so leave them on, and when they have all turned light brown, they will basically fall off by themselves, then all you have to do is pick them up..

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