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Q.When Should I Take The Moonflower Seedpods Indoors — As It Gets Wetter And Colder Outside?

Zone 11731 | Anonymous added on September 29, 2021 | Answered

I just read your article about harvesting moonflower seeds from my plants (https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/moonflower/moonflower-seed-harvesting.htm) and I understand that I should wait until the seedpods turn brown in color. I have been doing this incorrectly (and having no success with the seeds), because I have never left them on the vine long enough for them to turn brown, due to the increasingly wet, cold Mid Atlantic Autumn weather where I live (Long Island, NY). At what point is it safe for me to take cuttings of the vines with the seedpods attached and bring them inside to turn brown and fully dry? Or must the seedpods stay attached to the living vine until it has turned brown, no matter what the weather does?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 12, 2021

It's best to leave them attached to the living vine until they turn brown, regardless of weather.


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