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Christmas Trees

Q.When Shall I Repot My Small Christmas Tree?

barbirickard added on February 10, 2013 | Answered

I have a small bagged Christmas tree which I have now put out on my balcony. It appears to have acclimatised well and is still in it’s black bag. I have placed it in a pot still in its bag, but would like to know if I can still plant it in the pot in mid- March as I will be away till then. It gets a jug of water about once a week and seems to be doing well.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 19, 2013

Christmas trees are very hardy evergreens. It should be able to handle a lot of abuse and neglect. Personally, i would take it out of the bag and plant it. Let its roots grow deep and strong. No matter what you decide to do, I am sure you will be able to grow it. You have a good plant. Keep your head up. Good Luck and Happy Growing!


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Answered on February 11, 2013

I would think that if it's done well until now, waiting until moid-March shouldn't be a problem.

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