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Soil Problems

Q.When Reading Plant Labels, What Does “dry Soil” / “moist Soil” / “wet Soil” Mean?

Zone Washington, DC | JGordo added on October 8, 2020 | Answered

Plant labels will often say something like “does best in dry soils” (or moist/wet soils). But my yard isn’t adjacent to a pond or anything that would keep it saturated. If it’s rained recently, it’s wet; if it’s been a while, it’s dry. But I’m guessing that when people say, e.g., “moist soils”, they’re talking about some feature of the site that doesn’t change from day to day. What do they mean? I have clay soil, for the record. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 9, 2020

Wet soils will be near a water feature, and remain wet, consistently. Moist soils will remain slightly moist, or go from dry to moist often. Dry soils are xeriscape gardens that do not receive rains, or rarely receives rain (Think desert setting).

To learn all about soil, check out this collection of articles:


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