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Q.When Is the Best Time to Divide and Replant Daylilies in Zone 7?

Zone 7 | denise added on January 20, 2013 | Answered

I just dug up an extremely over-crowded bed that has been neglected for years. My mom lived here for 25 years befor moving and as she got older, the garden got less attention. I plan to move them to the front yard where there is more sunlight but I’m not sure when to do it. Also, we are having an unseasonably warm winter so far. Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 21, 2013

Denise, I always recommend that most plants be dug and divided in the fall just after frost has knocked the foliage down. It is not too late in the season to do this. By dividing and replanting while the plant is dormant allows the root system to develop without the added load of foliage and blooms.

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