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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.when do crape myrtles leaf out

Zone zone 7 | marychristine2013 added on May 31, 2015 | Answered

I have a crape myrtle and it’s about in its 4th year. It hasn’t leafed out yet. It’s normally late, but I’m wondering if the severe cold killed it this winter. I live in downtown Philadelphia and the zone is a bit warmer here in the city.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2015

Crepe myrtles are one of the last plants to leaf out in spring (late spring) which causes many to fear the worst. And, with a cold winter/cold spring, many plants/trees have been slow to come out of dormancy. So, at this time, all I can prescribe is a little patience. If you are really concerned, you could do a scratch test on the trunk per the guidelines in the following article: http://www.starkbros.com/growing-guide/article/how-to-do-a-scratch-test/. A scratch test will help determine if your tree is still alive and what limbs are genuinely dead. With a scratch test, “green is good” and means there is hope of recovery.

For more information on crepe myrtles, please visit the following links:

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