Q.What’s Wrong With My Siam Splash Curcuma?
I have these planted in a planter box in front of my house. They all get bright indirect light all day and a few plants get about an hour of direct morning light because of the angle of my roof. They’re on a drip system and get watered every night. A few weeks ago I noticed the flowers turning grey and looking unhealthy in general. Any help/insight would be appreciated!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Once a day watering is likely too much. Watering at night is, also, a common cause for infection as well.
Combine these two issues and the plants are guaranteed to contract something.
I would suggest letting the soil dry down to about a half inch between watering. This will take a different amount of time depending on the environmental conditions at the time. Make sure to water during the early morning to avoid infection by means of sitting water overnight. The soil needs to stay slightly and consistently moist, but not wet. Drying down to a half inch will provide the correct balance.
You may need a fungicide to correct the issue. This article will help:
This article will help you to grow the plant: