Q.What’s the toughest grass/weed proof ground cover, carefree, allowing foot traffic?
In zone 6 there are many options, but I need something that would grow and fill in fast, combat the tough grasses and weeds that plague me, and allow foot traffic. I installed Ajuga recently in a couple small pockets where it looks promising, but it’s not in places where I walk. I think Wintercreeper would be too invasive. I am leaning toward creeping thyme. My main concern is a long narrow area by a fence where bulb plants are only about 5’ away and the new guy who mows for me can’t get thru there anymore since his machinery is too wide. So many of my bulb plants were taking abuse from his efforts that I got upset and laid landscape plastic all along that narrow area. It’s about 60 ft. long, gets a lot of sun until late afternoon. I figure it will take until next spring to kill off the grass along there. But that is how I do it. It’s fairly cheap and doesn’t take man power to achieve the needed results (I live alone).
What I envision is to add new bulbs in there, as most of what’s there is old anyway and not blooming as fully anymore. It would be lovely to feature a paving stone pathway, but again that takes a lot of manpower and money!! However, ground cover between all the daffs, snow-in-summer, hurricane lily etc. would be great too. So…what suggestions for my needs? Would creeping thyme do it, or is there something even better?
While I write this, I could walk out and take a quick photo of the scene, but it’s pouring rain…bleah

This article will give you some possible ground covers for your garden area.